The Korovin Pistol

 The Korovin Pistol

When most people think Soviet pistols they most likely conjure up images of the Makarov (Пистоле́т Мака́рова) or of the earlier model TT33 pistol used through out WW2, some of the larger history buffs might even think of the Nagant M1895. However there is another pistol that came before the before mentioned semiautomatic models, presented for your approval the Korovin pistol (Пистолет Коровина).

(A Korovin shown without grips: Credit Vitaly Kuzmin)

The pistol was designed by Sergey Korovin while he was working at the Tula arms factory. I can't find many articles or details about Sergey, as if you search his name all that will come up is a painter or an Olympian. This pistol was officially the first semiautomatic Soviet pistol however it wasn't designed or intended for military use, as such this pistol was never issued to the Red Army but many higher ranking members of the army did carry this pistol. Much like how the Walther PPK pistol was given out as gifts to high ranking members of the Nazi party, the Korovin pistol was as given as gifts to members of the Communist party in Russia. 

This pistol is a simple blow back design chambered in the very small 6.35mmx15.5, in the United States this bullet is called the .25 ACP. In the picture above the grips are missing, these grips would be made of either plastic or wood with the TOZ logo stamped into them. Below is a wonderful video that goes into more depth about the pistol.


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